
There is a magnetic field around all wires carrying an electric current. The magnetic field around the wire can be increased by coiling more wire into a smaller space. The iron fillings get pulled toward the magnetised nail and form a star burst pattern around the coil of wire.


To find how electricity and magnetism are related to each other.

What you will need?

  • Wire-wrapped nail
  • 6 Volt battery
  • Masking tape
  • Card board
  • 15Cm square iron fillings
  • Scissors


  1. Ask an adult to punch a hole through the center of the card board using a nail.
  2. Insert the wire wrapped nail through the hole in the cardboard.
  3. Make the cardboard sit flat by placing it on the roll of tape.
  4. Attach one end of the wire to either battery pole.
  5. Sprinkle a thin layer of iron fillings on the cardboard around the coiled wire.
  6. Attach the free wire to the open battery terminal.
  7. Observe the pattern made by the iron fillings.
  8. Disconnect the wire.

Caution: The nail and wires will get hot if left connected to the battery. Be sure to interrupt the circuit by disconnecting one wire from one pole.


The iron filings form a star burst pattern around the coil of wire.

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